Spy x Family, an anime franchise that is loved by various people, has finally announced that Season 3 is being produced. This news is accompanied by the latest super visual teaser illustrated by Kazuaki Shimada. In the teaser, Anya, the pink-haired main character, is seen sleeping on Bond. Meanwhile, around the room there is a mess with Anya's favorite toys. You can also see the silhouette of Yor there, her mother who wants to close the room.

This appearance was certainly welcomed by the fans. The reason is Spy x Family always succeeds in presenting fresh anime that is funny and hilarious. Tells the story of Anya who was raised by Loid Forger, codename Twilight, who is a high-level secret spy together with Yor Forger, a civil servant who is secretly an assassin famous for his ruthlessness. Anya, an esper who can see through people's thoughts, must keep the secret of her father and mother's fake marriage for the sake of a mission. In addition, they keep Bond, a dog ​​who can predict the future. This super family story is not only filled with the tension of typical detective story, but also very entertaining humour.

After Season 1 and Season 2 last year, Spy x Family launched the film Spy x Family: White which grossed $59.6 million at the Japanese box office. Fans' longing for this anime is proven by the anime.tv tweet page which received more than 10,000 reposts and 60,000 likes.

Unfortunately, neither WitStudio nor Cloverworks yet announced when season 3 of this anime will be released. Stay tuned for more info!