The first episode of the anime titled Ano Hi Mita Hana no Namae o Bokutachi wa Mada Shiranai or better known as Anohana, The Flower We Saw That Day was released in 2011. It has been a decade since Anohana was released, and the popularity of this anime began to decline due to the many anime released from various famous studios. The anime Anohana was once named the saddest anime ever by anime lovers. This friendship anime managed to gain a lot of attention in its time because of its very interesting story. This anime tells the story of 6 friends who feel guilty about the death of one of their friends named Menma. Their childhood friendship ended after Menma died. However, a few years later, Menma’s spirit returned and met her five friends.

In terms of story, Anohana is an anime that has a very sad story, many viewers admit that they cry when watching Anohana. The ending of the Anohana when the six friends meet again and play a game of hide and seek is called one of the most heartbreaking scenes. In addition, the animation of the Anohana anime is considered outstanding for an anime released in 2011. Anohana anime provides visuals that satisfy the audience. Moreover, the epic OST from Anohana anime entitled Secret Base is also one of the factors that made this anime get a lot of attention in its time. Anohana’s OST, Secret Base, has lyrics that are very suitable for the story of friendship in the Anohana anime, making the audience even more immersed in the storyline of the Anohana anime.

The Anohana anime which received many positive reviews from the audience, then released a Live Action version in 2015. Live Action Anohana got a pretty good score on IMDb proving the great quality of the story. For anime lovers who like the friendship genre, you must watch this anime!